dinsdag 5 mei 2009


Originally uploaded by mamaofmelissa

I simply love my Cricut machine... If you know how to work with it, you can just create so much beautifull things!!!!

Like these roses on the right of this page... (erm... this is also a creation from the present of grandpa) Just need to put in some paper, choose the right button and then push the cut button... How simple is this????

Can you imagine?

Originally uploaded by mamaofmelissa

Can you imagine how cute we used to be? hahahahaha...

This is also a page from the present we made for my grandpa. Because I thought they would like it, I've asked all their grandchildren to send me a picture of them from their babytime...

Upper left corner, that's me, lower left corner, my cousin Kawin, upper right corner, my brother Kanwah en lower right corner, my cousin Kayee...

We are with to much to put on one page, so for the other pages. click on the photo.

Grandpa's 80th birthday

Originally uploaded by mamaofmelissa

We were looking for a nice gift for my grandpa last year. Zo we decided to make an album with photos of our whole family. I've found some old pictures in my mothers albums and I thought they would like to have these, so I've made some extra prints.

With some old-looking paper and chinese-like buttons, this is the result.

Grandpa was really suprised and he loved this page, especially the first picture of him ever taken (right upper one) made him smile.


Hello all,
This is my new blog, where I would like to share my creations.

I like to create things and scrapbook is my hobby and here I would like to show you some things I've made of wil make...

So please feel free to stop by more often.
